Friday, January 1, 2010

Better Late than Never.....

Phew....I'm finally doing it! After months of following (Tim would say stalking) other people's blogs and wanting to do my own...I'm doing it! My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner. My babies are already 18 months old...I feel like we're starting a story in the middle of the book. I can't stand that....I don't like coming into a conversation half way through or watching a movie when I've missed the beginning. And I always hate it when I go back into the archives of an interesting blog I've come across, hoping to find "the beginning," how it all started - their story, their blog, etc.....and NOTHING. So my next few posts will go back, back to the beginning of our story. I want to document those memories for Tim and myself, and for our babies (so far, this is the closest thing they have to a scrapbook). Hopefully we'll also become acquainted with those of you we might not know YET (I would love to connect with other triplet families and MoMs) And for those of you we do know (and love :) and have already heard the stories, check back later for new pictures and posts.

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