Monday, August 16, 2010

Erickson Ranch

Yesterday we headed out to Erickson ranch for some local, low-key family fun (meaning we didn't have to drive 3+ hours and pack what appears to be a whole weeks worth of clothes and kids stuff).  They had a lot going on for families - food, music, bubbles, fruit/veggie/and flower picking, etc, and the whole place was just so cute!  There were so many photo opportunities.  I'd love to go back when it's not so crowded, the kids are clean (and when they start to listen again), and when the the lighting is pretty much when the stars align!  This is what we got yesterday...

This smile is a little scary, right?  Even scarier...this is Kallie imitating MY smile from behind the camera!  Lol!
On our way to pick flowers...

Timmy and Emma


Kallie, Timmy, and Emma

There was a stand set up that made the cutest little headbands with some of the fresh flowers we picked.



Bubbles are always a favorite...


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