Monday, December 6, 2010

'Tis the Season

Seriously....I REALLY DO intend to write about the kids' birthday party (although I don't know if I'd really call it that).  I was hoping to have something posted by now, but this is how we've spent the last week....
All of the kids have had colds and a horrible cough ('tis the season, I suppose), but Timmy had a fever that didn't seem to be going anywhere.  So after a long Saturday night, Tim took him into the ER yesterday and they think he had developed a sinus infection.  Nothing some antibiotics, pain reliever, and a little chicken soup couldn't take care of...he finally woke up fever free this morning!  

Our camera is STILL in the shop, so I don't have many recent pictures, but here are some from a few weeks ago....the kids got these toys from their Auntie Michele and LOVE them!  

Emma getting her baby (Brynn Stacey) ready to go for a walk...

Lambchop is ready and waiting...

And Timmy is off...

Having things to push made walks around the neighborhood so much easier!  The kids weren't as fast and couldn't get too far ahead.  I'll have to remember that for next year :)


1 comment:

The Alexanders said...

aww, I hope your trio are all feeling better soon! We were sick for what felt like FOREVER, and are all finally feeling better! And I LOVE the picture of Timmy with the truck! PERFECT :)