Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bloggers Block

Really....I do want to blog.  I miss blogging...I miss expressing myself and posting pics.  I miss connecting with you guys...all three of you out there (Hello...hellooo....heellllloooooo..........).  But when I sit down to write.....Nothing!  Zilch!  Zip!  Nada!  A big....fat.....ZERO!!!  I have a serious case of bloggers block, and I can't seem to shake it!

It might have something to do with my mood being a little like this...
 (and the fact that my pics keep uploading to blogger blurry is NOT helping)!

There's so much to write's not like we're lacking for dull moments around here.  We've gone so many places and we just had one of the best/cutest Easters ever!  Three year olds, although challenging little stinkers sometimes,  are just too darn cute for words!  Hopefully I can manage to post Easter before the next major holiday.

Until then, here are a few cute pics of Kallie...


Ami said...

Helloo!! I totally had blogger's block too for several weeks...I think that's why I like committing to Blog-a-days every few months because when i'm 'forced' (albeit by no real person or thing other than myself) to write, I FIND things to write about. Perhaps you should join me...starting tomorrow. You could blog about favorite meals you make or meals that your kids us parts of your house you love, (or the kids room), do an A to Z things you've learned about parenting need ideas? I'll send em your way simply because I get all excited when I see an update from '3 peas in a blog!' :) Good to see you again! :)

The Alexanders said...

I'm with Ami...always excited to see a new post from you! As always your pics are adorable, and I am crazy jealous that you guys are out in tank tops...we are STILL wearing hoodies and coats!

Esther and Brian said...

i inderstand...but your photos are still awesome - and not sure if i would have even noticed a difference if you did not pinpoint it out to me...and i still love to come here! so keep write..about life, shopping, preschool preparations (if any, sorry i am assuming maybe the kiddos will start in september? total assumption of course), food, your other passions that you may have...:) ok, now I'm out of ideas, too!!!!!